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We advance and promote optometry, global eye health and vision care through collaboration, education, and advocacy.

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Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is open to universities, NGOs, organizations and institutions that represent special optometric interests, but do not satisfy all the conditions of Country Memberships.

Affiliate Members must:

We encourage Affiliate Members to be members of their respective regional organizations, if applicable.

WCO does not accredit or validate academic programs or continuing education offered by affiliate members.

If your organization does not fulfill the requirements of an Affiliate Membership, please review Corporate Membership and Country Membership.

Affiliate Membership Benefits

  • Official Membership Letter and Certificate
  • Ability to attend and contribute to open sessions including the General Assembly
  • Right to use the WCO logo to show your support of global optometry
  • E-news and Members-only communications
  • Ability to promote your events on our events page
  • Right to apply for WCO Grants for innovative global optometric initiatives
  • Right to apply for WCO Optometry Program in Advocacy and Leadership

Membership Dues

Membership dues for Affiliate Members are $896 USD per year. Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive an invoice.  Your membership will be activated once payment is received.

The WCO annual membership cycle runs from January 1st-December 31st. If you apply for membership after September 1, your membership dues will be prorated on a monthly basis.

Apply for Affiliate Membership


If you have any questions, please contact us.