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Dr. Roger Jordan, WCO Legislation, Registration, and Standards Committee Chair

Dr. Jordan was born and raised in Livingston, Montana and attended Montana State University earning a Bachelor of Zoology in 1976.  He is a graduate of Southern California College of Optometry in 1980 magna cum laude.  He then joined a group practice in Gillette, Wyoming in 1980 and has practiced there for 40 years.  He has been involved in many civic organizations serving in leadership positions.  Locally, he worked with the local Hospital Association in 1996 to develop a program to allow optometry to gain hospital privileges which remains in place. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry since 1983 and became a Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry in 2014.

He is a member of the Wyoming Optometric Association, and has served on the Board of Trustees for nine years to the level of President.  He was recognized as state O.D. of the year in 1996 and 2005.   He also served on the Board of Examiners in Optometry for 11 years and six years as President.  He has served as keyperson for every Senator and Congressman in Washington, D.C. since 1984 and continues as keyperson coordinator for the state.  He also served as President for 15 years at the Northern Rockies Optometric Conference held in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

He is a member of the American Optometric Association (AOA) and has served on two committees.  He served for seven years on AOA-PAC and two years as national chairman.  Serving for 17 years on the Federal Relations Committee, he also was chairman for six years. Now, he was recently appointed to the position of Vice-Chairman of Policy.   He also is serving as a member of the Advocacy Group Executive Committee since 2010.  He has been recognized as national Keyperson/Advocate of the year three times by the AOA. in June 2020, Dr. Jordan was awarded the AOA Distinguished Service Award.

He was appointed in 2007 by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to serve a four-year term on the Practicing Physician Advisory Council and was the only non-M.D. The AOA also appointed him to serve on the Canadian Association of Optometry Strategic Planning Committee 2013.  He also was appointed to serve as National Chairman of the American Podiatric Association Joint Committee on Specialty Board of Certification.  He served on Podiatry’s Joint Committee on the Recognition of Specialty Boards from 2015-2020 and served as national chair of committee from 2019-2020. He was also nominated into the National Academies of Practice. Since 2013, he became a Fellow of the National Academies of Practitioners which is a multi-disciplinary organization.