Our Members
We thank our members for their support of global optometry. Your support enables us to enhance eye care globally. If you are not a member, we invite you or your organization to join us!
We thank our members for their support of global optometry. Your support enables us to enhance eye care globally. If you are not a member, we invite you or your organization to join us!
Australia | Optometry Australia |
Austria | Austrian Optometric Association |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh Optometric Society (BOS) |
Botswana | Botswana Optometrists Association |
Brazil | Confederação Brasileira de Optometria e de Óptica (CBOO) |
Cameroon | Cameroon Association of Optometrists |
Canada | Canadian Association of Optometrists |
China | Hong Kong Optometric Association |
China | Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists |
Colombia | Federacion Colombiana de Optometras (FEDOPTO) |
Ethiopia | Ethiopian Optometric Association |
Fiji | Fiji Optometric Association |
France | Association des Optometristes de France |
Ghana | Ghana Optometry Association |
Guyana | Guyana Association of Optometrists |
India | Indian Optometric Association (IOA) |
India | Optometry Confederation of India (OCI) |
Ireland | Optometry Ireland |
Jamaica | Jamaica Optometric Association |
Jordan | The Optometry Society (Jordan) |
Kenya | Kenya Association of Opticians |
Lebanon | Association des Licenciés en Optique Optométrie au Liban (ALOO) |
Lebanon | Syndicat des Opticiens et Optometristes du Liban (SOOLB) |
Lebanon | Vision Care Association |
Malaysia | Association of Malaysian Optometrists |
Nepal | Nepalese Association of Optometrists |
New Zealand | New Zealand Association of Optometrists |
Nigeria | Nigerian Optometric Association |
Oman | Oman Optometry Club |
Pakistan | Pakistan Optometric Society |
Palestine | Palestinian Council of Optometry and Optics |
Philippines | Optometric Association of the Philippines |
Poland | Polskie Towarzystwo Optometrii i Optyki (The Polish Optometric Association) |
Portugal | Associaçao de Profissionais Licenciados de Optometria (APLO) |
Portugal | Uniao Profissional dos Opticos e Optometristas Portugueses (UPOOP) |
Puerto Rico | Colegio de Optometras de Puerto Rico |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Society of Optometry (SSO) |
Singapore | Singapore Optometric Association |
Somalia | Somali Optometry Association |
South Africa | South African Optometric Association |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Optometric Association |
Sudan | Sudanese Optometry Society |
Switzerland | Optikschweiz-der Verband fur Optometrie und Optik |
Trinidad & Tobago | Trinidad & Tobago Optometrists Association |
Uganda | Optometrist Association of Uganda |
United Kingdom | The College of Optometrists |
United States of America | American Optometric Association |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe Optometric Association |
Australia | Optometry Board of Australia |
Australia | Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand (OCANZ) |
Canada | University of Waterloo School of Optometry |
China | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | HONU University |
Haiti | Ecole d’Optometrie de l’Universite d’Etat d’Haiti |
India | Aksha International Academy for Optometrists (AIAO) |
India | India Vision Institute (IVI) |
India | ITM Vocational University |
India | KD Institute of Optometry |
Iraq | American University of Iraq-Baghdad |
Lebanon | American University of Science and Technology |
Lebanon | Modern University for Business and Science |
Lebanon | Université Sainte Famille – Batroun |
Mexico | Colegio de Licenciados en Optometría del Estado de México |
Mexico | Consejo Optometria Mexico |
Norway | University College of Southeast Norway |
Oman | College of Health Sciences, University of Buraimi |
Pakistan | University of Lahore |
Palestine | An-Najah National University |
Palestine | Arab American University |
Peru | Instituto de Educacion Superior Eurohispano |
Sri Lanka | Eye Care Institute |
Sri Lanka | Vision Care Academy Pvt Ltd |
Thailand | Rangsit University Faculty of Optometry |
Trinidad and Tobago | The University of the West Indies |
United Arab Emirates | United Optometrist Forum (UOF) |
United Kingdom | City St George’s University of London |
United Kingdom | International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness |
USA | American Academy of Optometry |
USA | American Optometric Student Association |
USA | Association of Schools & Colleges of Optometry (ASCO) |
USA | Illinois College of Optometry |
USA | Indiana University School of Optometry |
USA | New England College of Optometry |
USA | Nova Southeastern University |
USA | Pacific University |
USA | Salus University |
USA | Southern College of Optometry |
USA | Southern Council of Optometrists (SECO) |
USA | Special Olympics Opening Eyes |
USA | State University of New York College of Optometry |
USA | The Ohio State University – College of Optometry |
USA | University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry |
USA | University of Missouri – St. Louis College of Optometry |
USA | University of Pikeville Kentucky College of Optometry |
USA | University of the Incarnate Word-Rosenberg School of Optometry |
USA | Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH) International |
USA | Western University of Health Sciences College of Optometry |
Vietnam | Hanoi Medical University |
Albania | Kleves | Jazxhi |
Angola | Djalme | Fonseca |
Australia | Christine | Nearchou |
Australia | Melinda | Toomey |
Australia | Mitasha | Yu |
Australia | Suit May | Ho |
Bahrain | Hasan | Almadhoob |
Bangladesh | Md Masud | Karim |
Bangladesh | Mohammad Sazzad | Hossen |
Belgium | Jean-Michel | Viaene |
Brazil | Leandro Luiz Fleury | Rosa |
Brazil | Samir | Recalde Bogado |
Canada | Allison | Scott |
Canada | Joshua | Smith |
Canada | Laurie | Lesser |
Canada | Michael | Nelson |
Canada | Saleel | Jivraj |
Canada | Selena | Friesen |
China | George | Woo |
China | Jessica | Neuville |
China | Tiezheng | Li |
China | Yi | Li |
Colombia | Diana Patricia | Alvarado Parada |
Côte d’Ivoire | Adje Jacob | Leguede |
Croatia | Toni | Mandusic |
Ecuador | Carlos | Chacón Gómez |
Ecuador | Rubén Dario | Villegas Valdivieso |
El Salvador | Jorge Luis | Morales Díaz |
Germany | Joachim | Kuss |
Ghana | Augustine | Dery |
Ghana | Comfort | Commodore-Mensah |
Ghana | Eric | Wiredu |
Ghana | Felix Kofi | Awuriki |
Ghana | Ignatius | Kwaku Yeboah |
Ghana | Isaac | Owusu |
Ghana | Martin | Opoku |
Ghana | Raphael | Kyei |
Ghana | Sampson | Ekuful |
Greece | Christos | Papageorgiou |
Haiti | Khohane | Blake |
Hungary | Francessca | Piedra |
India | Aben | Thomas |
India | Alafiya | Pirkhan |
India | Ali Hussain | Icecandywala |
India | Anil Kumar | Tyagi |
India | Avanish | Raj |
India | Baljeet | Singh |
India | Chahat | Rana |
India | Debapriya | Mukhopadhyay |
India | Devesh | Singh |
India | Gaurav | Kulkarni |
India | Gitanjali | Ashta |
India | Gokul | Gopinathan |
India | Jameel Rizwana | Hussaindeen |
India | Krishan Kumar | Yadav |
India | Nirmal Raj | Mohan |
India | Shiba Prasad | Raut |
India | Sujith | K |
India | Vaasanthi | Boddu |
India | Vandana | Thakur |
India | Veerpal | Kaur |
India | Yadwinder | Singh |
Indonesia | Suko | Nugroho |
Ireland | Cian | Gildea |
Israel | David | Berkow |
Israel | Gad | Serero |
Israel | Rita | Elyanov |
Italy | Antonino Ivano | Rapisarda |
Italy | Charles | Di Benedetto |
Kenya | Stephen | Nguku |
Korea (Republic of) | Minkyu | Choi |
Kuwait | Munazzah | Doi |
Latvia | Aiga | Svede |
Lebanon | Ali | Ali |
Lebanon | Charbel | Faraj |
Lebanon | Hiba | Kamar |
Lebanon | Mahmoud | El Hakim |
Lebanon | Rana | Hammoud |
Lebanon | Sawsan | El Cherkawi |
Malawi | Grace | Ogbonna |
Malawi | Owen | Kambani Banda |
Malaysia | Annie | Lau An Nie |
Malaysia | Sharanjeet | Sharanjeet-Kaur |
Malaysia | Sim | Wei Kiat |
Mexico | Abraham | Bromberg |
Mexico | Jesús | Espinosa-Galaviz |
Mexico | Jorge Eufemio | Flores Salinas |
Mexico | José Omar | Hernández Martínez |
Mexico | Norma | Hernandez |
Moldova | Codrean | Rata |
Moldova | Rodica | Bilba |
Mozambique | Ajay Kumar | Verma |
Nepal | Raju | Kaiti |
Netherlands | Gabrielle | Janssen |
Netherlands | Maurits | de Jong |
New Zealand | Jagrut | Lallu |
Nigeria | Chigozirim | Choko |
Nigeria | Elvis | Omoregie |
Nigeria | Ijeoma | Ugwunna |
Nigeria | Ngozika | Ezinne |
Nigeria | Timon | Ezeanya |
Nigeria | Uchenna | Anyanwu |
Nigeria | Ugochi Chinazom | Ogbonna |
Oman | Galal | Ismail |
Oman | Janitha Plackal | Ayyappan |
Pakistan | Abdul | Wajid |
Pakistan | Amna | Javid |
Pakistan | Lubna | Afzal |
Pakistan | M. Khalid | Ishaq |
Pakistan | Rabia | Mobeen |
Pakistan | Tahir | Shaukat |
Panama | Nadiuska | Platero Alvarado |
Peru | Arturo | Quintanilla |
Philippines | Ahmed | Mohamed |
Philippines | Mamiko | Fenella Sy |
Poland | Ewa | Witowska-Jeleń |
Puerto Rico | Hector | Santiago |
Singapore | Dylan | Eng |
South Africa | Ayesha | Suliman |
South Africa | Vanessa | Moodley |
Spain | Jesus Garcia | Poyatos |
Spain | Juan | Oliveros Lopez |
Spain | Marina | Ibanez Piferrer |
Sudan | Mawahib | Ahmad |
Sudan | Raghda | Faisal |
Tanzania | Husseinali | Datoo |
Trinidad and Tobago | Brandon | Lalla |
Trinidad and Tobago | Nikolai | Sirju |
Trinidad and Tobago | Reyanna | Ramkissoon |
Tunisia | Hassene | Ben Meftah |
Uganda | Naomi | Nsubuga |
Ukraine | Olena | Kalchuk |
United Arab Emirates | Devakani | Suresh Kumar |
United Arab Emirates | Firas | Zeidan |
United Arab Emirates | Irene Sophia | Joseph |
United Arab Emirates | Naheeza | Mohammad |
United Kingdom | Andrea | Kaijser |
United Kingdom | Daniela | Oehring |
United Kingdom | Jason | Higginbotham |
United Kingdom | Michael | O’Kane |
United Kingdom | Mr Shakeel | Puri |
United Kingdom | Nicholas | Rumney |
United Kingdom | Nitesh | Barot |
United Kingdom | Priya | Morjaria |
USA | Abdulati | Sbeta |
USA | Ana | Chang-Smith |
USA | Anthony | DeWilde |
USA | Ayra | Sayyed |
USA | Beata | Lewandowska |
USA | Benjamin | Thayil |
USA | Bob | McQuaid |
USA | Bridgitte | Shen Lee |
USA | Christine | Allison |
USA | Curtis | Ono |
USA | Don | Lyon |
USA | Donna | Goukler |
USA | Erica | Griffin |
USA | Erika | Poikey |
USA | Glen | Steele |
USA | Howard | Purcell |
USA | Janet | Leasher |
USA | Janet | Casablanca |
USA | Jeffrey | Weaver |
USA | John Daniel | Twelker |
USA | Joseph | Reyther |
USA | Joshua | Rogers |
USA | Karla | Zadnik |
USA | Kevin | Jackson |
USA | Kevin | Chan |
USA | Lynn | Greenspan |
USA | Maria | Sampalis |
USA | Mark | Bullimore |
USA | Michael | McDougall |
USA | Patti | Richard |
USA | Peter | Kehoe |
USA | Renee | Reeder |
USA | Ricardo | Salvat |
USA | Rodolfo | Rodriguez |
USA | Roger | Jordan |
USA | Sandra | Block |
USA | Steven | Reed |
USA | Susy | Yu |
USA | Tad | Kosanovich |
USA | Terri | Gossard |
USA | William | McAlister |
Vietnam | Lori | Copilevitz |
Vietnam | Robert | Molter |
This list is updated as of 28 February 2025.
France | EssilorLuxottica |
Japan | Menicon Co., Ltd. |
Netherlands | Hoya Holdings N.V. |
Suriname | Optiek Ninon |
Switzerland | Prolens AG |
United Arab Emirates | Rivoli Vision |
United Arab Emirates | ZEISS Vision Care MEA |
USA | Alcon Laboratories, Inc |
USA | CooperVision, Inc. |
USA | Johnson & Johnson Vision Care |
If you are a current WCO Member, but do not see your name in this list or would like your name removed from this list, please contact us.