This year, the World Council of Optometry (WCO) celebrated World Optometry Week from March 19–25, and specifically World Optometry Day, Thursday, March 23, with the theme “Expanding Optometry’s Role… The Time is Now!” See the below video messages from the World Council of Optometry Presidents Group, each reflecting on the goals, needs and future of the profession.
In the video above, WCO’s Immediate Past President, Mr. Paul Folkesson, highlights the role WCO plays in advancing optometry as a profession and the work done by WCO to benefit optometry worldwide.
WCO President Prof. Peter Hendicott has a message for optometrists on why it is important to think about the role optometry can play within a country’s healthcare system in order to increase access to eye care. Hear his thoughts in the video above.
Dr. Sandra S. Block is WCO’s President-Elect. In the above video, Dr. Block shares some of what she envisions for the future of optometry over these next few years.